

Perception of Space in Architecture and Culture

cover picture "Sensory Living"

Author: Detmolder Schule für Architektur und Innenarchitektur

ISBN 978-3-88778-415-7

224 Pages

Format: 24,5 x 17,5 cm

Language: english

Published: May 2014

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ADIP Magazine: Future Cities

Magazine "ADIP Magazine"

ISBN 978-3-88778-409-6

120 Pages

Format: 21 x 28 cm

Language: english

Published: April 2014

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La biorésonance d'après Paul Schmidt

cover picture "La biorésonance d'après Paul Schmidt"

Author: Dietmar Heimes

ISBN 978-3-88778-395-2

544 Pages

Format: 20,5 x 28,5 cm

Language: französisch

Published: February 2014

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Brasilien - Brasil, Ferdinand Schlatter: Der Lindauer Maler in Rio Grande do Sul - O Pintor de Lindau no Rio Grande do Sul

cover picture "Brasilien - Brasil"

Author: Sandra Messele-Wieser

ISBN 978-3-88778-394-5

152 Pages

Format: 19 x 24,5 cm

Published: October 2013

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Intravention, Durations, Effects: Notes of Expansive Sites

cover picture "Intravention, Durations, Effects"

Author: Alberto Altés Arlandis, Oren Lieberman

ISBN 978-3-88778-393-8

296 Pages

Format: 18,5 x 24 cm

Published: September 2013

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A Clinic for the Exhausted: In Search of an Antipodean Vitality

cover picture "A Clinic for the Exhausted"

Author: Michael Spooner

ISBN 978-3-88778-392-1

240 Pages

Format: 18,5 x 24 cm

Language: english

Published: September 2013

plus shipping costs