
The adventures of Friedrich Reinhard count of Rechteren-Limpurg in the Mediterranean and the American War of Independence 1770 – 1782

Author: Jane A. Baum, Hans-Peter Baum, Jesko Graf zu Dohna

ISBN 978-3-88778-484-3

148 Pages

Format: 21 x 26 cm

Language: english

Published: December 2017

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Architecture Drawing Topology

Author: Cort Ross Dinesen, Inger Berling Hyams, Morten Meldgaard, Anders Michelsen, Henrik Oxvig

ISBN 978-3-88778-470-6

304 Pages

Format: 25 x 31 cm

Language: english

Published: October 2017

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A Ficto-Historical Theory of the London Underground

Author: Marko Jobst

ISBN 978-3-88778-518-5

160 Pages

Format: 12 x 16,5 cm

Language: english

Published: October 2017

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Inflection 04 - PERMANENCE

Author: On Dominic, Wood Jessica, Tory-Henderson Nina

ISBN 978-3-88778-520-8

144 Pages

Format: 20 x 24 cm

Language: english

Published: October 2017

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Feminist Futures of Spatial Practice

Author: Schalk, Meike / Kristiansson, Thérèse / Mazé, Ramia

ISBN 978-3-88778-489-8

384 Pages

Format: 21 x 25 cm

Language: english

Published: May 2017

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Perception of Space in Architecture and Culture

ISBN 978-3-88778-508-6

210 Pages

Format: 23,5 x 17 cm

Language: english

Published: April 2017

plus shipping costs